
like any other 普通の、平凡な

like any other = ordinary, common, regular。 like any other を定義している辞書は見当たらないが、必須イディオム。 0:01 they are like any other young girls. この二人は普通の女の子となんら変わりがない。

10-Year-Old Girls Live Normal Life Despite Being Attached at the Forehead

0:01 they look like any other couple, walking in Central Park and through Times Square. 平凡な夫婦にみえる。

Kim Jong Un's aunt living secretly in the U.S.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRno09qXjOI   0;01 nestled in the English countryside, the Plough in Buckinghamshire looks like any other country pub. どこにでもあるような居酒屋
China buyer hopes to cash in on English pub appeal

0:08 Sean Stephenson and Mindie Kniss are just like any other married couple, despite the fact ....

Tiny Husband: Larger Than Life Couple Shows Love Knows No Bounds

1:09 I think the Royal House has had a series of privileges over time which are not fair. so I think that's right that she's treated like any other normal person. 王室は不当な特権を享受してきたから、王女が裁判でみんなと同じ裁きを受けるのは正しいと思う。

Fraud trial for Princess Cristina opens in Spain

1:01 police say the packages will look like any other and will be delivered like any other. 窃盗犯を検挙するためのおとり小包は通常配達され通常梱包されている、と警察は話している。

Police use 'bait packages' with GPS to catch thieves

0;33 I think it was a day like any of the other days. その日はいつもと変わらない日だった。 注; like any other + 単数 、like any of the other + 複数

This Is the Extraordinary True Story of the First Camera Phone | Short Film Showcase

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/08/blog-post_1393.html  並ぶものがないを英語でなんと言うか?

a-5524 (like) any other day
b-0800 like any other