
refer to A as B (a を b と呼ぶ)構文

refer to A as B (a を b と呼ぶ)は公式。

0:11 this is Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. we refer to him by his initials (as) M.B.S. この人物が皇太子のムハンマド・ビン・サルマンで、ここでは彼をM.B.Sとイニシャルで呼ぶことにする。

Saudi Arabia’s Political Crisis, Explained

4;02 even though it's celebrated throughout Asia as the Lunar New Year, you should only refer to it as the Chinese New Year. アジア諸国では旧正月として祝われているが、中国では春節と呼ばなければならない。

Chinese State-Run TV Loves Blackface

7:48 I got it from the guy you so callously refer to as the Soup Nazi. このキャビネットはあんたが情け容赦なくスープナチと呼んだ奴から手に入れたのさ。

Top 10 Funniest Seinfeld Running Gags

0;50 Rose frequently gave unsolicited shoulder rubs to several young female associates, behavior referred to, among employees, as the crusty paw. セクハラ疑惑で解雇されたベテラン記者のチャーリー・ローズは若い女性記者たちに頼んでもいないのに肩を揉んで来たりした。この行為は職員の間では「高齢で硬くなった肉球(老人のいやらしい手)」として知られていた。

Charlie Rose And 'The Crusty Paw'

a-5597 referring to her as a 'con artist'
a-5780 refer to the members of the press as the enemy of the people
a-8210 referring to the scene as a (ヒアリングの練習問題a-8211, 1 word)
a-9844 referred to as
b-1344 referred to as
b-3289 being referred to as
b-4138 referred to as