
industrial-strength 強力な

industrial 工業用 は commercial 商業用 の反対語。industrial-strength とは工場で使う薬品の濃度の高さ、つまり、一般家庭用よりも強力と言いたい時に使う言葉。1;15 so how do you manage in this toxic soup? well there are several survival tools for living in Beijing. first of course, there is the mask preferably industrial-strength, the kind you'd use to clean out toxic chemicals at a factory, for instance. この大気汚染のペキンでどうやって暮らす?それにはサバイバルに必要な七つ道具が必要で、まず、最初に必要なものは工場で劇薬を扱う時に着用する工業用のマスクです。

Surviving China's smog

1:16 industrial-strength 思いっきり苦いコーヒーを頼む。

Pictionary scene from 'When Harry Met Sally'

0:03 when their marriage fell apart, he attacked her dousing her with industrial-strength lye. 夫は妻の顔に強いアルカリ性の液体をかけた。

Woman reveals new face, months after transplant

0;24 the man making the call says his girlfriend has fallen into a bucket of industrial-strength drain cleaner. her face was splattered with sulfuric acid. 男は自分の彼女が強い酸性のパイプクリーナーが入っているバケツに落ちたと電話で話し、彼女の顔には硫酸がひっかかった。

Boyfriend Threw Acid on Woman's Face When She Tried Breaking Up with Him

a-7135 industrial-strength cleaning product