
expose yourself 下半身を露出する

expose himself は男性器を露出する、expose herself はあまり聞かないが女性器を露出するの意味。0:12 Michael Anello claims Carey exposed herself to him and behaved inappropriately. 歌手のマライア・キャリーの元ボディーガードはマライアが下半身を露出して誘いをかけてきたと言う。マライアはこれを否定した。

Men Also Coming Forward With Stories of Sexual Harassment

2:09 at that time, he decided to expose himself. (素っ裸でガウンだけをひっかけた議員先生は)その時になって初めて、自分のモノを出して若い女性に見せることを決心した。すっぽんぽんでガウンだけ着たときには、もう出そうと決めてたんじゃないの????

Female Lawmakers In D.C. Have A 'Creep List'

0:20 actress Rae Dawn Chong told The Hollywood Reporter that Seagal exposed himself to her in his hotel room. スティーヴン・セガールはホテルの自分の部屋でレイ・ドーン・チョンにガブリエルの笛を見せて誘惑した、、、

Portia De Rossi accuses Steven Seagal of harassment

2:47 he exposed himself and he just began masturbating in front of me. and I just stood there, kind of frozen.

Reporter: Weinstein masturbated in front of me

1:14 ... as well as exposing himself to a female employee in his office.

Matt Lauer fired over inappropriate sexual behaviour

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/11/rosyutsukyou-chikan.html  露出狂を英語でなんと言うか?

a-5315 exposed himself to her