
grill 尋問する

料理用語の grill 「火であぶる、グリルする」は、尋問するの意味で比ゆ的に使われる。0:51 14 HOURS OF QUESTIONING 十四時間に及ぶ取調べ Ex-president Park Geun-hye returns home after being grilled by prosecutors for 14 hours. 朴槿恵(パク・クネ)前大統領は検察官から14時間に及ぶ取調べを受け帰宅した。

Former president Park Geun-hye returns home after 21 hours at prosecutors' office

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEe6tdkc3hY   0:11 the ousted leader refusing to speak to journalists early on Wednesday morning following a marathon 14-hour grilling over the corruption scandal that saw her kicked out of power nearly two weeks ago. 14時間に及ぶ取調べ
South Korea's Park emerges after 14-hour interrogation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brg1A7uBTn0  0:03 A little boy recovering in the hospital was all smiles when state troopers paid him a special visit. For more than twenty minutes, 8-year-old Zachery who was decked out in one of New Jersey's state trooper's hats, grilled them on the titanic. ザッカリー君は州警察​​官に対してタイタニック号について難しい質問をしていた
State Troopers Visit 8-Year-Old Boy in Hospital After Being Hit By a Truck

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SRMJhljBwE  0:29 Camille will be grilled about her husband's "sexual proclivities" and whether or not she ever procured drugs for him which he allegedly used to assault women. ビルコスビーの妻のカミールはコスビーの性癖やコスピーのために睡眠薬を買ったかどうかを尋問されることになっている。  
Bill Cosby's Wife Will Reveal at Deposition If She 'Procured Drugs for Him'