
rubber stamp

rubber stamp は文字通りゴム印ですが、rubber-stamp (動詞)として使われる時はめくら判をつくの意味になります。
Hi, my name is Bret Chiafalo and I'm a member of the electoral college. There 538 of us. Since there's been some confusion about us, I want to explain a few things.

Our Founding Fathers spent years thinking about how our system of government should work, and they wrote a Constitution that has guided our country for over 200 years. Like all smart architects or engineers, they also designed a fail-safe mechanism — an emergency brake in case something went wrong. This emergency brake is the Electoral College.

You may think that the Electoral College is supposed to rubber-stamp the winner of the election. That is not the case. In fact that is the opposite of what the Founders intended. They intended for us to subject the winner of the election to exhaustive scrutiny, and if the candidate does not meet our standards we are expected to elect an alternative.

They were worried about the kind of demagogues who had taken control of so many other countries, so the Electoral College was charged with making sure that the President met three important criteria.

First, they wanted to make sure that the voters elected a qualified person.

Second, they wanted to prevent the election of a charismatic autocrat.

Third, the Founding Fathers feared that a president could be elected who was under the influence of foreign powers. The Founders believed that even if the people failed to realize that the President-Elect had compromising ties to foreign countries, the discerning members of the electoral college could protect the country and choose an alternative president.

The Electoral College is our fail-safe mechanism. And no, we've never used it before, but our country has never needed it before. We have always elected experienced statesmen. But this time is different. This is the moment Hamilton and Madison warned us about. This is the emergency they built the Electoral College for and it is our Constitutional duty and our moral responsibility to put the emergency measures into action.

If only 37 Republican Electors change their vote, Donald Trump will not have the 270 electoral votes he needs to be President.

37 Patriots can save this country.

大意; 私はバレット。選挙人です。 全米には私のような選挙人が538人います。選挙人の持つ意味について説明したいと思います。アメリカ合衆国建国の父たちは政治が正しく機能するための仕組みを長年考案し、アメリカ合衆国憲法を起草しました。この憲法には安全装置がついています。それが私たち選挙人です。選挙人たちは大統領本選での勝者にめくら判を押すのが仕事ではありません。それは建国の父たちが意図したこととはまったく逆のことです。建国の父たちは私たち選挙人に次期大統領の資質を見極める任務を託したのです。そして、選挙人が次期大統領に大統領としての資質がないと判断すれば、別の人物を選出する義務をも課せたのです。その理由は当時世界中にはびこったいたずらに世間を動揺させる扇動者を排除するためでした。そのために、われわれ選挙人は次の3つ条件を満たした人物が次期大統領であると考えています。その一は次期大統領は大統領にふさわしい言動をする人物。その二はカリスマ性に富んだ独裁者ではないこと。最後に次期大統領は外国の回し者ではないこと。




Hamilton Electors on The Electoral College

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGCodBnM2hI  1:47 historically they are a rubber-stamp congress. 北朝鮮の最高人民会議は会議などせず、なんでも将軍様のご意向を通すだけのめくら判議会だ。
The North Korean Government Explained

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZcJxMAdaNU  1:15 the National People's Congress, China's rubber-stamp legislature 全人代、中国共産党の意のままになる最高意思決定機関
Is Democracy Doomed in Hong Kong? | China Uncensored


http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/05/blog-post_29.html  盲判(めくらばん)を英語でなんと言うか?

a-8209 rubber-stamp assembly
a-8874 a rubber stamp
b-2397 formal rubber-stamping
b-2810 rubberstamped