

昨日、横須賀の米海軍軍基地周辺では近年まれに見る規模のデモがあった。さて、これは demonstration でいいが、protest ともいう。英英辞書を使ってこの二つの違いを調べてみるもよし、色々な例を通して実感するもよし。0:58 anti-nuclear demonstrations

A Japanese director takes on the "nuclear lobby"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAjSXbgH_2M  0:13 it turned into a protest against the government.
Ethiopian protesters killed in stampede trying to flee police

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0yP4aLyq1g  1:18 as the greatest demonstration for freedom
Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 (Full Speech)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2iRNwqSAGQ  1:32 Scarth attends demonstrations where he shouts about corruption in the police and judiciary, saying lawyers, police and the courts are in cahoots, and regularly persecute and gag those who disagree with them.裁判官、警察、裁判所はつるんでいて、異を唱える者には訴追するなりして口封じをする。
Life of silence for loose-lipped 85 year old WW2 veteran?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bkM7AiOrqo  1:58 The movement began to gain momentum in mid-May in Spain, after protests and demonstrations towards similar beliefs took place.この社会運動は同じような信条でで抗議活動やデモが活発化したスペインで五月中旬から弾みがついてきた。
Occupy Wall Street: Rise of the Occupy Movement - Timeline

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2dHYHTpAlo  4:40 in protest, Brazil's Prime Minister canceled her visit.
'This Week' Game Changer: Edward Snowden

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbljnVJZvD8  0:01 in Hong Kong, protesters are at the barricades and they are not backing down. tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets have failed to dislodge thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators from Hong Kong's main commercial center since the protest first began on Friday night. if anything, their movement is gaining momentum. 香港の反政府デモはバリケードされても屈せず、催涙ガス、ゴム弾なども金曜日に始まった民主化デモを蹴散らせなかった。どちらかと言えば民主化デモが勢いを増した。
HONG KONG’s Tiananmen Square “UMBRELLA Democracy Revolution” - Alex Wagner

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pLce_LyAsI  1:34 now that we have a presumptive nominee who is going to be our standard-bearer, I think it's very important that there's a demonstration that our standards will be beared. トランプ氏が共和党の大統領候補者のみなし指名を受けたのだから、彼が共和党の看板を背負うことになる。だからトランプ氏が共和党の名にふさわしい振る舞いをすることが何よりも重要だ。
Joe On Speaker Ryan's Stance On Trump: 'It Was Perfect' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

a-6714 protesters
a-8143 protested