
gorge がっついて食べる

gorge on something は何かをがつがつ食べると言う意味です。 0:10 Rachel Paul became addicted to food as a teenager after, she says, her first love cheated on her. for years, she gorged on junk food. 彼女は初恋の人に浮気されたので、うっぶんを晴らすために食欲を満たすことにした。そして、長年お菓子をバクバク食べて太ってしまった。

Former Cheerleader Fits Back into College Uniform After Losing 150 Pounds

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y42mti8aKQs  2:25 they gorge themselves on the fruit of the farmers' labors. サルは農家が汗水たらして作った農作物をむしゃむしゃ食べる。
Doge Vs Monkey In Japan - Wild Japan - BBC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h9re1bHt40  0:48 it's feast or famine for crocodiles, so they gorge when food is plentiful.
World's Deadliest - Croc Attack!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWcBzt2m74w  0:55 and thanks to reduced garbage collections, there's been increase in the amount of rubbish, AKA, food for these little guys to gorge on.
UK boomtown rats: Britain’s rodents grow in size & numbers, cuts in pest control blamed


http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/11/blog-post_28.html  木枯し紋次郎の食べ方