

out-of-court settlement が示談です。裁判所の仲介する和解 court settlement がいわゆる調停になるが、両者ともに settlement と言える。2:53 Stella Liebeck had never sued anyone before Albuquerque Attorney Ken Wagner took her case. before they went trial they tried twice to settle out of court but McDonald's refused. マクドナルドのコーヒーで大火傷を負ってしまったステラさんは弁護士のワグナー氏に出会うまで訴訟など起こしたことがなかった。二人はマクドナルドを相手取って裁判を起こす前に二度示談に持ち込もうとしたが二度ともマグドナルドに蹴られてしまった。

Woman Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee, Then the News Media | Retro Report | The New York Times

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiTA5Mmhpfo  9:02 four months later, Rebecca's suit was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
Pregnancy is still costing women their jobs


http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/07/blog-post_9.html  仲裁を英語でなんと言うか?

a-4208 out-of-court settlement
b-1522 settle out of court
b-1663 an out-of-court settlement