
out of depth 及ばない

out of one's depth は自分の手に余る、自分の手に負えない、自分の及ぶところではないくらいの意味です。1:59 I'm feeling slightly nervous, because I feel for the first time in my cooking career, after 21 years in the kitchen. I'm out of my depth. ちょっと緊張気味。21年コックをやっていてこんなに緊張したは初めてのことだ。まったく歯が立たないよ。

Gordon Ramsay: How To Fail With Sushi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBOWTfwGycw  1:32 you are,,, I am way out of my depth here. あなたのマルチ才能振りにはまったく付いていけませんよ。
Vanilla Ice Turns 'Trash to Treasure' on a Budget
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU5DDKHeo0A  5:50 Whether she’s perfectly bringing the spirit of Margaret Thatcher or Julia Child to life through make-up and her acting talents, or stripping away all pretenses as a mother who has to make a horrible choice, Streep never seems out of her depth. メリル・ストリープにはこなせない役柄などは存在しないようだ。
Top 10 Chameleonic Actors and Actresses

a-3953 out of his depth
a-8346 out of his depth
b-1288 gets out of her depth
b-1756 out of his depth