
shove it up your ass

shove it up your ass はかなりぞんざいな言い方です。色々な亜流表現がありますが、聞いて読んで分かればいいので、絶対に使うべきではありません。shove it は shove it up your ass の弱い言い方です。9:32 You stick this up your ass.

The Legend Of 1900 Duel Scene HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MueCPpzakYY  0:41 take this job and shove it (up your ass).
It's easier to get a job
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_DYZfShuxc  0:06 you can take your border wall and shove it up you ass.
Texas Democrat slams Donald Trump in letter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKZhtdZ5gp0  3:45 so with all due respect, Christians, you can shove that faith up your ass.
17 y/o YouTuber faces years in jail for insulting Islam and Christianity #FreeAmosYee

a-4262 sticking it 注;stick it には二つの意味がある。体操用語の stick it (着地をピタリと決める)の意味と、shove it up your ass, stick it up your ass の意味。
b-0539 put your thumb up your butt