
lay into 激しく非難する

0:12 today President Obama laid into Trump like never before, blasting his language as dangerous. オバマ大統領はトランプの暴言を危険極まりないと激しく非難した。

Angry President Obama Tears Into Donald Trump Like Never Before | NBC Nightly News
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVO_kop4Cxc  0:33 well they had just 6 minutes each. but most of them used that time as best they could to absolutely lay into Donald Trump. 議員たちは6分の持ち時間を与えられていましたが、ほとんどの議員たちはその六分間をトランプの批判に費やしました。
UK lawmakers debate banning Trump
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9J1F-65pAI  Senators lay into JPMorgan's trading 上院はJPモルガン・チェース銀行の取引慣習を非難する。

a-5635 laid into
b-1612 laid into