
throw for a loop 面食らわす

throw someone for a loop は仰天させる、面食らわすの様な意味です。 16;20 here's some more that might throw you for a loop. これもちょっとネイティブには想像もできないでしょうね。

Japanology Plus 2015 07 23 English at School
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HHGtR_uAbo  12:25 what short-lived celebrity marriage threw you for a loop? どのセレブのスピード離婚が意外でしたか?
Top 10 Short Lived Celebrity Marriages
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu5jq0j2pNc  4:02 you threw me for a loop. 面食らったよ。
Man Takes Huckabee To Bible School

a-5621 thrown for a loop
a-8330 it threw everyone for a loop
b-2026 threw Liza for a loop