
thespian 俳優

thespian は俳優ですが、Thespisが語源です。2:07 this extravagant thespian can feign death for up to 30 minutes. この大胆な役者は30分も死んだふりをすることが出来る。

Why Is This Amphibian Called Vomit Frog?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxTMiJH-lcI  10:16 this committed thespian appears on this list. この役者バカはマッチョになった俳優に加えます。
Top 10 Actors Who Got Buff For a Movie Role

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO5laW1TwTQ  0;58 even though she was constantly cast as eye-candy for male viewers, Schiffer can hardly be considered a thespian.
Top 10 Models Who Suck at Acting

b-3562 thespians