
dress to the nines 正装する

dress to the nines は正装するの意味。 1:40 and when you do arrive, you better be dressed to the nines. トランプと会う時はきちんとした服装をしたほうがいい。

Trump's Ex-Butler: He's a Picky Eater Who Hates Sloppy Dressers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNhCvM5pjfs  2:22 they were dressed to the nines. 皆、一張羅(いっちょうら)の晴れ着を着ていた。
Angela Patton: A father-daughter dance ... in prison

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/03/dress-to-nines.html  0:03 dressed to the teeth, US President Donald Trump had found a home south of the border. 身なりをちゃんとしたトランプはメキシコに居を構えた。
Wax versions of Trump, Pena Nieto meet in Mexico City
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/03/sunday-best.html  Sunday best 一張羅
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/09/blog-post_24.html  天にも昇る気分を英語でなんと言うか?

a-5058 dressed to the nines
a-6053 looks good to the nines
a-6115 decorated to the nines
a-6777 dressed to the nines
a-8804 dressed to the nines
a-9756 the woman dressed to the nines
b-0549 decked to the nines
b-2402 dressed to the nines
b-2435 dressed to the nines
b-4867 dressed to the teeth cf. this is a mash up of arm to the teeth and dress to the nines.