
come to blows 喧嘩を始める

come to blows は殴り合いの喧嘩をはじめることですが、口論の時も使えます。0:58 when it comes to Batman, Superman doesn't agree with the way he carries out justice. his view is go about it in an ethical manner where Batman is at any coast, inflict justice. and so, that's essentially where they come to blows. 事が正義に及ぶとスーパーマンはバットマンのやり方が気に食わない。だから、この二人は衝突することになる。

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Featurette - Clark Kent / Superman (2016) HD

26:10 but there's one other reason that big cats come to blows, sex. トラが殺しあうのにはもう一つ別の理由がある、交尾だ。

attack of the big cats

2:23 it's difficult to see it coming to blows but if it does, it's hard to imagine Britain sailing to the rescue again. フォークランド諸島で軍事衝突が起こるとは考えにくいが、もしそうなってもイギリスが再度、救助にいくとも考えられない。

Argentina and UK in new Falklands dispute

a-5484 come to blows
a-6798 come to blows
b-4243 comes to blows