
brush up on に磨きをかける

何とかに磨きをかけると言う時に使われるイディオムが brush up on something です。0:06 you'd think if you got on Wheel of Fortune, you'd brush up on geography. ホイール・オブ・フォーチュンに出場すれば、ちょっとは地理の知識も身につくと思うでしょう。

Pat Sajak Loses It When Contestant Has Embarrassing Geography Fail
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n7WLTkgpG0  0:33 when he's not doing his day job, he's brushing up on the types of jets the candidates are flying on. セルゲイさんは暇があれば、大統領候補たちが使っているプライベートジェット機を調べています。
What does Donald Trump's private jet say about him?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOXb7aBxbqE  0:23 we decided to brush up on our poker skills and live large here at Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut
Live Like a Casino High Roller
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgdSIgOzYx0  1:06 your husband has spent a lot of time brushing up on policy. あなたの旦那さんは政策を見直すことにかなりの時間を割きましたね。
To understand Rick Perry, you need to meet his wife
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCifhHd5O0Y  1:24 do we, colonists, have to brush up on the Queen's English? 植民地アメリカの庶民はクイーンズイングリッシュを身につけないとダメですか?
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart Replaced By Trevor Noah | NBC Nightly News

a-3585 brushing up on
a-7313 brushing up on