
that's it

that's it には that's it! もうこれまで。that's it? たったそれだけ? that's it. その通り。の三つの意味がある。1:41 if we lose bees, we are going to lose significant part of our food supply. that's it. ハチがいなくなると、食料もかなり消滅するだろう。間違いないね

Canadian beekeepers face bleak future
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPaZtUyjVF0  0:12 it's wrong what they're doing. and that's it. 国が個人の通話通信記録を盗聴するのは間違っている。それに尽きます。
Protesters Tell U.S. Government to Stop Snooping
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvZEBbcsl0  0:47 that's it? go home? せっかく抱かれにやってきたのに、つれなく帰れって言うの?そうなの?
Tomorrow Never Dies at Stoke Park Club Part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4oPFXWXaDE  2:00 what I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back, try to hamstring you? that's it. つまり、刑務官の奥方が陰であなたを締め付けるような真似をすると思いますか? もうぶち切れた!
The Shawshank redemption - Icy cold bohema style beer (Hope)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/01/blog-post_5.html  たったこれだけ? を英語でなんと言うか?

a-3106 that's it
a-3287 that was it
b-0457 that's it
b-2503 that's it