
facet 多面体の一面

多面体の一面とは宝石などのカット面を想像すればわかりやすいでしょう。facet は重要単語です。19:48 there are many facets to craftsmanship. 職人芸には色々な一面があるのです。

[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP33 :Tokyo Skytree 2012-10-11
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueGCPH4puQE  1:06 the solution must be multi-faceted. ホームレスになる原因は一元的なものではないから、その解決策も多角的でなければならない。
Los Angeles Explores Solutions to Homeless Crisis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU5DDKHeo0A  3:23 Capable of also playing comedic characters or villains, Hoffman ultimately won his only Academy Award for “Capote,” a role in which he effectively combined most of the different facets of his many other performances.
Top 10 Chameleonic Actors and Actresses
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRx-zdO8FqI  1:18 You see cranes in every facet of today's society, particularly when we're building. 社会のどの一面でも、特に建設現場においてはクレーンは必ず目にする。
Crane: When We Think It Can't Be Lifted - History Documentary Films
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnT-28FXplM  1:31 measuring all facets of the atmosphere. 現代の人工衛星は大気のあらゆる情報を測定する。
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a-8234 multifaceted