

quench が聞こえたら自動的に thirst が聞こえなければいけません。 0:28 one of those traditions is the beer garden. the perfect place to quench one's thirst.

Land of Beer | Euromaxx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tusbq8COGhE  0:10 they've come to a watering hole to quench their thirst.
Leopard Pick-Up Artist in Action
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8LFOT_yvU4  2:20 recycled water could help California quench its thirst.
'Toilet to tap' gains appeal in drought-parched California
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUsARF-CBcI  2:47 there are other ways of quenching thirst in the desert.
Fish and frogs living out of water - BBC

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/10/blog-post_25.html  食指動くを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/09/blog-post_5467.html  渇きを直撃を英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/09/i-am-parched.html  I am parched. 喉がカラカラで死にそう