

身の破滅は one's undoing といえる。1:26 He cares about these helpless mortals. of course he cares. he died for our sins. that shall be his undoing. キリストは哀れな子羊たちを気にするんだ。当たり前です。キリストは私たちの罪のために命を捧げたのです。そいつが奴が地獄に落ちた理由だぜ。

Highlander - Best of Church Scene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caR-uCuIrRU  0:39 eventually he will say something that is too outrageous. eventually he will make the wrong enemy like Fox News. and that will eventually be his undoing. トランプの奴はいつかはとんでもないことを言って、フォックスニュースのような敵をつくるだろう。それが奴の破滅になる。
Trump Gaining On Hillary, But Can He Survive His Own Ego?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdGKB3qeNTU  2:15 he's also afraid, isn't he? that hope will be his undoing. あなたの演じるエリスは希望を恐れている。希望が身を滅ぼすのを恐れている。 
#TBT: Morgan Freeman On ‘Shawshank Redemption' | TODAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl7416JVt7U  0:18 his ultimate undoing though -- a simple email cyber trail. ペトレイアスCIA長官の失脚は、メールの痕跡が原因だった。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilFvpC3mJXM  4:27 his undoing was already in the works. ニクソンの辞任劇の序章はもう始まっていた。
Biography of Richard Nixon: Presidency and Watergate

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/12/undo.html  undo について
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/10/blog-post_26.html  落ちぶれるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4331 his undoing
a-4905 their undoing
a-8831 the undoing
b-2411 was undone
b-4352 their own undoing