

not all sunshine and roses がモチーフになります。11:06 His relationship with Elizabeth Hurley, meanwhile, earned him the envy of men everywhere. Unfortunately for Grant, not everything has been sunshine and roses. ヒュー・グラントはエリザベス・ハーレイとの交際で世の男性の羨望の的になったが、すべてが順風満帆というわけには行かなかった。

Top 10 Celebrities Allegedly Caught With Prostitutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9ySBfbGkU4  0:52 but it's not all sunshine and roses in babies. 新婚一年目でほとんどのカップルは子供に恵まれるが、生まれてくる子供にとってはいいことばかりじゃない。
How Hard Is It To Get Pregnant?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrpAZ5qHSlU  5:44 so perhaps China's economy is not all unicorns and ponies. 中国経済はいいことずくめではない。
5 Signs China's Economy Is Weaker Than You Think | China Uncensored
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLdkvEziZUc  0:36 we're in the restaurant business. it's not all daisies, ponies and unicorns.
Kitchen Nightmares - Amy's Baking Company (Full Version)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/03/blog-post_1260.html  人生楽ありゃ苦もあるさ
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/11/peaches-and-cream.html  peaches and cream

a-3627 ain't all sunshine and rainbows
a-3701 wasn't all sunshine and rainbows
a-4556 wasn't all sunshine and rainbows
a-9844 a unicorn このユニコーンは正義の味方くらいの意味。
b-4901 wasn't all sunshine and rainbows
b-5303 not everything was sunshine and rainbows