
backwater よどみ

backwater は川の流れのよどみの部分。これが比ゆ的に停滞地域の意味で使われる。3:03 Monaco was still regarded as something of a cultural backwater. グレース・ケリーとナコ大公レーニエ3世との結婚式に各国の首脳クラスが参列しなかったのは、当時モナコはヨーロッパ文化の主流をになう国とはみなされていなかったからだ。

The Extravagant Plot to Make Grace Kelly a Princess
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFeSem0bHkw   0:33 Singapore in an island of 5.5 million (people) gained its independent from Malaysia in 1965. back then it was a postcolonial backwater. 独立直後のシンガポールは貧しかった。
Singapore celebrates 50th anniversary in style
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vbbPqP8qeA  9:00 North Korea is still a diplomatic pariah and economic backwater. 北朝鮮は国際社会ののけ者で経済三等国だ。
The Far East's Changing Media Landscape - The Listening Post (Full)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NthDTtGZcm4  13:31 Wall Street is going to be a backwater again. これからは農業が発展する、そうなれば、ウォール街はまたさえないプー太郎の町に逆戻りだ。
Jim Rogers Asks Whether Obama Is Delusional Or Just A Good Liar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUboZHsddrc  0:03 No one symbolizes China's rapid 30-year rise -- from the backwaters of communism to the second largest economy in the world -- better than real estate developer Zhang Xin.
Zhang Xin China's real estate mogul
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4PdCG06xzE  3:25 backwater provincial town
Why China's Growth Is Worse Than You Think
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDUYTQcw854  1:53 only 50 years ago, Dubai was a dusty backwater.
Megastructures Burj Al Arab - Superstructures Documentary 1/5

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/12/blog-post_8671.html  静かな漁村を英語でなんと言うか?