
ration 配給する、制限する

ration は非常食などを無償で配給するという意味と客が買える品物の数を制限すると言う二つの意味があります。0:18 Texas supermarket chain H-E-B said it would begin rationing eggs, limiting the number of cartons each individual customer could buy. 個人で買える卵の数の制限を始める

Egg rationing has begun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1x6DWri-_4  0:20 emergency rations food. 非常食 注;必ず複数形です。
Trying Japanese "Emergency Food Rations" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPQSK_7POj8  0:10 ... where cash withdraws remained strictly rationed.
Bailout crisis: 'We Greeks are confused':
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvYb1FDaxZs  1;13 money is being rationed. 預金に引き出し制限がかかっている。
How is Greece likely to vote in austerity referendum?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lGg8n43lJ8  0;33 rationing ガソリンの購入制限
Fuel shortage leaves Sandy victims chilled

a-5064 being rationed