

any way you slice it, no matter how you slice it は便利な言い方です。 1:04 no matter how you slice it, the A9 is cosmetically the closest thing ever to an Android iPhone. どう頭をひねっても、HTC One A9 は見かけはアンドロイドのiphoneだ。

HTC One A9 Review: An Android iPhone Clone?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcwUhboMqrA  1:51 any way you slice it, Samsung has made another powerhouse smartphone that successfully amps up its shelf appeal while still keeping hard respect swinging. どこからどう見ても、三星のギャラクシーS6は陳列アピールのあるすごい携帯を世に送り出した。
Samsung Galaxy S6 is cucumber-cool and built to covet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqCoFMKpHLw  2:19 no matter how you slice the early results, Donald Trump despite his lack of details on issues is completely crashing the rest of the field. これらの調査結果をどのように分析してもトランプ候補は政策の中身の乏しさにめげず他の候補をまったく寄せ付けていないことがわかる。
Still Report #426 - Trump Wins 2nd Debate
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html   キンドルを活用する

a-5691 however you slice it
b-4309 no matter which way you slice it
b-5181 any way you slice it