

re-cycle, recycle, re-use, reuse がわかれば repurpose, re-purpose もすぐわかる。見ての通り、別の目的のために再利用すること。0:57 in order to develop a way to radically safe water, Nebia had to dig deeper to the mechanics of showers, it looked to existing technology that has been used in jet engines and agriculture and repurposed it to invent new types of nozzles. 安全なシャワーにするためにネビアは既存の技術を転用して新しいタイプのノズルにたどり着いた。

A New Way to Shower
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xESmuZIPjFE  4:15 when I look at these pieces, for me, it really kind of, encapsulates the whole reason why I got in this business, which is to take beautiful things from the past and to either repurpose them, like in this case, or resurrect them by cleaning them and fixing them. これを見ていると、自分がこの商売を始めた当初の目的、昔の装飾品などを他の目的に転用したり、磨いて装飾品のままにするとか、が詰まっているように見える。
An Emotional Surprise Is Hidden in This Suitcase

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/04/retool-rejig.html  retool, rejig

a-4771 repurpose
a-5213 repurposed
a-8065 repurpose
a-9525 repurposed wool and fleece
b-4813 repurposing