
weave into

weave into は織り交ぜるくらいの意味です。主に受動態で使われ be woven into the fabric of something はイディオムです。1:35 this ethos (is) woven into the fibers of Rosario's designs. 環境への配慮という理念はロザリオさんのデザインに組み込まれている。

ctress Rosario Dawson's Mission for Sustainable Fashion | ABC News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2w9_31AjSg  1:10 there are at least 7 other Southern States whose rebel history still appears to be woven into the fabric of its flag. 今日でも反連邦政府の歴史が刻まれた州旗をかざしている南部の州は少なくとも7つある。
What's Next for the Confederate Flag After South Carolina's Removal From State Grounds?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_6vDLq64gE  506 it's woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives. 嘘をつくことは人間が日常生活や仕事をするうえでの社交辞令となっている。br /> Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67jYg-TrCik  0:48 Buddhism is inseparable with Thailand's identity, woven into centuries of traditions.
Morphing Monasteries: Commercial Buddhism in Thailand | The New York Times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU11zY8UVDU  4:59 Irrationality is woven into the fabric of modern life. Slaves to Super-stition (1/5) - Richard Dawkins
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEh-0TIuu2A  2:15 and weaving them into rags. ぼろきれを縫い合わせて玄関マットにする。注;weave into 元来の用法
The Filipino Women Turning Rags into High Fashion

3:02 the time was woven into the very fabric of space itself. アインシュタインが特殊相対性理論を発表した1905年に、当の本人も気づかなかった事実は時間は空間に織り込まれていることだ。

Why does time pass? | The Economist

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/10/blog-post_20.html  孔子の国の悲劇

a-3062 woven into the fabric of life
a-3819 woven into the fabric of
a-4174 weave the most advanced machine learning computer vision and AI into the very fabric of
a-5359 woven into the fabric of
b-3491 woven itself into the fabric of