
dig deep

dig deep とは文字通りの意味かもしれないし、 dig into your pocket の意味かもしれないし、 dig deeper than the surface (もっと掘り下げるて考える)の意味かもしれない。6:09 right now, he needs to dig deep. 彼ほどの金持ちは、護身のためにもっと大枚をはたくべきだ。

Billionaire Security

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3zNehKAPY4  2:30 at the farmers' market, Geralda Campaneles's neighborhood, the produce is fresh, but slowly rising prices in recent years have forced her to dig deeper into her wallet to pay for it.
Brazil's uncertain economic future
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgZM2gXK8dA  1:35 we'll just dig a little deeper. もうちょっと掘り下げてみるさ。
Oklahoma 'Tornado Alley' Residents Fear for the Future
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fG3mV4UHW8  0:19 and today, they're digging deep into that suit to see what the problem was. 問題の宇宙服を更に調査してなぜ宇宙服の中に水が溜まったのかの原因を突き止める努力をしている。 
Astronaut Nearly Drowned Inside Helmet: NASA

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/07/deep-pocket.html  deep pocket

a-2908 dig a bit deeper into their wallets
b-0121 dig deep and be brave