
fall apart

ばらばらに壊れる、崩壊する、白紙に戻る、、、このような時、、fall apart といいます。0:30, 1:23 it's always a rainy day without you. I'm a prisoner of love inside you. I'm falling apart all around you.

Highlander (1986): Bar scene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOmKZvNi-iM  1:46 losing money like that takes a toll on a person. I didn't know what to do. Larysa was my rock because I was falling apart.
How a Young Couple Keeps Their Business Alive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbUuxBWWMN0  0:38 more proof that the US is literally falling apart. Money woes no problem for Maserati lovers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCy34HmIYkY  1:33 prosecutors plan to tell the judge today that their case has all but to fallen apart. 検察側は裁判所に(起訴内容は十分な証拠がないので)起訴を取り下げる意向をしめしている。
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Case in Trouble, Will Rape Charges be Dropped?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcOxhH8N3Bo  1;22 every now and then I fall apart
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/03/come-crashing-down.html  come crashing down 崩れ落ちてくる

a-1578 fell apart
a-1598 would fall apart
a-4395 fall apart
a-8434 falling apart