

self-deprecation = laughing at yourself. 2:40 more of his trademark self-deprecation followed when he observed that he had done more than 6,000 shows. I was here for most of them, and I can tell you a pretty high percentage of those shows just absolutely sucked. 六千本以上の番組を、自分でほとんどこなして、その感想は、自分の番組の大半がつまらない番組だった。レターマンさんは自分の最後の番組のを得意の自己卑下で締めくくった。

Letterman bids farewell to the Late Show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpK9X4Zzvjg  0:42 Joan Rivers thrived while filling in for Johnny with her self-deprecating humor. 自分を笑いものにするジョーク
Joan Rivers' 'Tonight Show' legacy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG5OplHWKTM  0;55 her brash and self-deprecating routine found new life on the awards show circuit ジョーン・リバーズさんの自虐ネタはアカデミーなどの表彰式での定番となった。
Comedian Joan Rivers dies aged 81

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/11/modesthumble.html  modestとhumbleの違い
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/07/blog-post_9507.html  かしこまるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-1750 self-deprecating humor
a-5512 self-deprecating humor
a-9029 self-depricating humor