

enamored with, enamored of のような言い方をします。1:14 when I was in high school, I was so enamored of this new technology that I built an atom smasher in my mom's garage. 中学の頃、原子力爆弾に惹かれるあまり、自宅に衝突型加速器をこしらえてしまった。

Michio Kaku Pd.D - Original air date: Dec. 1991
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isVOn69ULs8  4:31 the leadership in the Air Force then was not very enamored with an airplane that didn't carry bombs or missiles or guns. and that's why the SR retired. 世界最速のジェット機SR-71がお役目御免になったのは、当時の空軍のお偉いさんたちは爆弾、ミサイル、機関砲などを搭載しないジェット機にはまったく無関心だったからだ。
SR - 71 Supersonic Blackbird How to fly the world's fastest plane
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evMq07OTZ4g  1:29 the Taiwanese media was so enamored with her strikingly good looks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKY5Wr44KYQ  1:17 she has a few benefactors that are enamored with her and send her things.
What Casey Anthony Is Doing Today

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/01/muchuu-ni-naru.html  何かに夢中になるを英語でなんと言うか?

b-1102 get really enamored with