

disownです。1:02 when the baby was about 5 months old, Xiaoshan had a second falling-out with her adopted parents, that's when they basically disowned her and she had to leave. 萧山(?)が二ヶ月もKFCで寝泊りしたのは未婚の母として生んだ子供が五ヶ月になるころ自分の養父母と二度目の大喧嘩をして勘当されたので家を飛び出したのが原因だ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4iVxs7QS7c  0:54 if you daughter when she got older came home and said 'I want to go out with a black boy' ? I disown her. もし自分の娘さんが大人になって黒人と付き合うと言ったらどうしますか?親子の縁を切るね。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMEWDcYrSc 1:53 key Libyan diplomats including those of the UN have begun to disown the regime. 国連の職員を含むリビアの外交官達はカダフィー政権に見切りを付け始めた。

a-1849 disowned him
a-9690 disowning him in a scathing hand-written letter