
what kind of

what kind of ナントカ、で話者の驚きや怒りが伝わります。0:55 I don't know what kind of lesson this is teaching her anyway? 子供を炎天下の道路に座らせて宿題をさせるこの体罰は一体この子にどんな教訓を与えるのでしょうか?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jJ-b4v3jhA 0;55 what kind of grown woman leaves a house and doesn't take her underwear? 家を出るときに下着を着忘れる女は一体どんな女狐なのか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXWUZ3Z6S54 1:10 what kind of a man of 76 do with a 27 year old girl? 27歳の娘さんとイチャつける76歳のジジイは一体どんな野郎だ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcsdt468C_0 12:00 what kind of parent will let their kids smoke? 一体どこの呆け茄子親がてめえの餓鬼にモクをやらせるか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv5Sdt9dQmI 0:25 what kind of lunatic will dangle up a side of that building and wash those windows? あんな高いビルに張り付いて窓洗いをするのは一体どこのタコ野郎なんだろう?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSg4gaNu0S4 0:41 What sort of parents whose daughter's been injured in an attack like this will not co-operate with police? 娘が襲撃されて怪我をしたというのに警察に協力しない親とは一体どんな親なのか?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2ow7zf1Jl8  1;32:51 what kind of navy is this? あんたら一体どんな海軍やってるんだ?