
ad hominem

このラテン語には感情や偏見に訴える、論理よりも相手の人格を攻撃するという意味があります。6:07 the ad hominem attacks that people who have favored evolution use against people who don't buy into that, I think, shows the lack of confidence in the evidence. 進化論者が進化論を信じない人間相手に人格攻撃に出るのは進化論の証拠に自信のない証だ。注;キリスト教が人格をゆがめたいい例です。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbZB9FOFiXE&feature=feedu 2:52 I think it's what an intellectual lightweight does when you present them the facts and they demur into conversations of name calling. I mean, it's all ad hominem. since they cannot have a rational discussion based on facts, they call you names. it's like arguing with a fourth grader. 事実を突きつけられて、そいつを拒否し相手をバカにするのは頭のとろい奴のすることだ。全部が感情論になる。事実に基づいた議論が出来ないから人格攻撃に出る。小学校4年の餓鬼を相手にするようなものだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naJ6pmF3KcU 6:16 it has been all sorts of ad hominem attacks at him. ストックマン氏はあらゆる人格否定攻撃を受けた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILCLlBTJO0Q  0:42 you talk about ad hominem attacks.

a-3826 ad hominem attacks
a-3912 makes an ad hominem attack b-4831 ad hominem