

ここではstick to something(何とかに専念する)をおぼえましょう。stick to the plan(予定を変更しない、予定通りに行う)stick to guns(考えを変えない)は代表的な使い方です。0:58 the Germans are still sticking to their guns. ドイツは(計画通りに事を運べと)頑(かたく)なに主張した。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKnkZkSZLX0&feature=g-all-u&context=G1e392FAAAAAAAALAA :30 Europe can fix its debt crisis if governments are patient and stick to the plan. メルケル首相は計画通りに実行して辛抱強く待てれば欧州債務危機は乗り切れると強調した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJuMh3_QDDY 0:40 he's a kind of guy who sticks to his principles. he doesn't really flip-flop. 自分の信条を貫き、ブレない人だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgmO2ygJ2os 1:00 Greece has to stick to its guns. メルケル首相はギリシャは緊縮財政プランを継続すべきとの見解を示した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbDAH369bKQ 3:47 you're sticking to that? 持論を曲げるつもりはないですか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ortgj15Hezk 1:22 EU has usually stuck to its guns. ヨーロッパ連合は方針を転換したりはしない。

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/03/flipflop.html  flipflop

下のビデオは、stick to guns ではない例。

Who Wants to Be A Millionaire Fail

a-1105 sticking to their guns
a-1749 stuck to his guns
a-1956 stuck to his guns
a-2198 sticks to his guns
a-3285 sticking to his guns
a-8405 sticking to their guns
a-9549 he's sticking to his guns
b-1629 sticking to its guns