

当たり前のことですが、曜日はday of the weekなので何曜日はwhat day of the weekです、何日はwhat dateでもよさようですが、what's the date today?(今日の日付は?)のほうが良く耳にする言い方です。1:20:31 what day is it today? it's Wednesday. 今日は何曜日?

Premonition 2007
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn8S6FUXSHI 1:42 what's the date? 今日の日付は何日か?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBWoqOScMgg 1:12 women always remember the dates, guys remember events 女はいつも「いつ」あったのかをおぼえていて、男は「なにがあった」だけをおぼえている
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBhxwLE-Oxg  20:40 what time is it? what day? it's Thursday, 24th. ok, well that's the day. do you have a watch?
In Your Eyes

a-4297 what day of the week
a-5884 what day of the week
b-0515 what is the date