

see for oneselfの形になります。0:12 Labour leader Ed Milliban visited Manchester on Wednesday where he went to see for himself the damage caused by the disturbances. 労働党党首のミリバン氏は自分の目で被害状況を確認するために水曜日にマンチェスターを訪れた

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhzmB_JI3UE  0:36 but this place also became the setting for the one very sweet moment that you are about to see for yourself. ここは今から皆さんが目の当たりにする愛の告白の現場になりました。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg1bETs5rGw 1:37 I want to see for myself. 自分の目で見て確かめたかった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27R8kour-eE 3:10 she accepted the invitation from the mayor of Manila to go and see the zoo for herself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDFs5HTJN90&feature=player_embedded 0:13 I had to see this for myself
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vorRRJ0A87w 0:40 we're not massively convinced but judge for yourself. 誰もそうは思っていないだろうが、自分で判断してみてはいがか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNpyKL5aRN4  1:34 come down here and look for yourselves. 田舎に来て自分の目で見てみるがいい
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGOJS_zkhjs  1:52 President Barack Obama pledged to help in a stopover in New Jersey to see the storm damage for himself. オバマ大統領はハリケーン被害の視察に訪れたニュージャージー州での被災現場で復興支援を表明した。

a-3692 see for myself
b-4251 see it for ourselves