

これはlive within one's meansといいます。live beyond one's means, spend beyond one's meansなどと言えば分不相応な暮らしをする、人のカネを使って生活するのような意味になります。live below one's meansとなればつつましいの意味での分不相応となります。3:12 basically the problem had been,,, we'd been living beyond our means, we spent too much....and we print too much money! そもそもの問題は我々は人のカネを使って生きてきた、カネを使いすぎた、、、そして、滅茶苦茶にカネを刷り散らかした

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8-ApW2wD3w  1:44 it's time to get back to tough love where children have to learn to live within their means and learn about money the hard way. 子供たちがお金の価値を身を以って知りそして身の丈に合った生き方を学ぶ「愛の鞭」に回帰する時だろう。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHJhev7tFX0&feature=feedu 4:37 live below your means but within your needs 必要最小限なモノで予算の範囲内でやりくりする
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlkT4zKWfwo 7:02 the causes of these problems are not difficult to understand but finding a way out of them is, to say the least, challenging for the society that is used to living way way beyond its means 経済破綻の原因を突き止めるのは造作も無いが、放蕩三昧を繰り返してきた社会を救い出すのは容易なことではない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncdQ3qNaHM  46:24 they're living beneath their means
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guLAj8eO6Kc 0:48 we don't live outside our means.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6B5Yyfe6No  0:01 The budget discipline compact signed in Brussels is needed because for years eurozone countries lived beyond their means ユーロ連合諸国は長年にわたり放蕩生活をしてきたので、ブルッセルで批准された財歳規律の引き締め条約はどうしても必要だ。

b-1908 without many means
b-2190 live below his means