

surrender oneselfともいいますが、よく耳にするのはturn oneself inかturn oneself into policeかのどちらかです。出頭と自首の区別ははっきりとしませんが、come forward(名乗り出る)をつけると自首の持つニュアンスを出すことが出来ます。0:27 the driver of the car has been identified but she has yet to turned herself into police.運転手の素性は割れたが、この女性はまだ出頭していない。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaVZaUlofLY 0:08 but so far he has not been arrested nor turned himself in. しかし今のところ、容疑者は逮捕されてもいないし出頭もしていない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPQOQsLUW60&feature=player_embedded#at=30 0:55 he's now one of several people who have came forward and turning themselves in for rioting... NKは腹いせの暴動に加わったことを(観念して)自首してきた
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFe55Q_DJ_M 0;30 Mr.Zimmerman turned himself in. ジマーマン容疑者は出頭してきた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBiHbdyEB9U 5:38 you should turn yourself in to the authorities for all the crimes that you and your administration committed. ブッシュ大統領閣下、あなたは自分の犯した戦争犯罪の責任を取ってしかるべきところに出頭すべきです。

a-549 turned themselves in
a-4715 turned himself in
a-5140 turned himself in
a-5691 turn herself in
a-6171 turned himself in
b-0064 was finally turned in
b-3885 turned herself in