
丁重に扱うを英語でなんと言うか?teichou ni atsukau

treat with kid gloves/handle with kid glovesと言います。kid glovesは薄い上質の皮手袋で鑑定のときなどに使われます。kid-glove treatment(貴賓待遇、斟酌)daughter brought up with kid gloves(箱入り娘)2:50 well, the perp walk is not legal in France. but by-laws, police would have treated him with kid gloves if they have been brought in at all. フランスでは逮捕者を晒すのは違法で、もし逮捕されたとしても、(彼ほどの大物なら)、内規により、警察は低調に対応していたと思う。

French public reacts to IMF chief sex scandal

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTZ9fZ6N-gk 2:40 the reality is that China the West have to treat much more with kid gloves because of the integral relationship in terms of the way that Chinese economy now is so totally woven into Western one. 中国経済は西洋諸国の経済を深くかかわりがあるから無碍(むげ)な扱いは出来ないのが現実だ。
Frenemies Forever: US taken hostage by China?

a-4707 treating Trump with kid gloves
b-2152 treated with kid gloves
b-3425 with kid gloves