
it's high time 構文

もう、何々をしてもいい頃だ、というときには決まってit's high time...を使います。ここで注意するのはit's high timeの後には必ず過去形の文が続くことです。well, it's high time that we had a referendum. 2:48( もう国民投票を実施してもいい時期だ。)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1qokHQrFys 2:45 it's time we stopped minding everybody else's business and took care of business here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6A4vdJajIk 0;09 it's time we said goodbye to an uninvited guest. 招かざるお客さんにそろそろ別れを告げよう。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NpDgxl3H78&feature=g-all-u 5:46 it's high time people woke up. そろそろ目覚めてもいい頃だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjlCrMNA2c0 1:10 it's time that the British government showed a little bit of backbone and said to hell with the European human rights. もうそろそろ、英国政府は気骨を見せてヨーロッパ連合の人権などくそ食らえと言ってやってもいい頃だ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhaVx5alE0Y  2:27 it's about time that this picture of Lance Armstrong came down. もうそろそろ、アームストロングの写真を外しても良い頃だ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0duJQM1incg 1:58 it was a matter of time before Twitter went public. 時制の一致

a-996 time somebody spoke up
a-1540 you and me talked
a-1804 did
a-1887 did
a-3884 it's about time we met
a-5113 it's high time
a-6302 finished it
a-6402 it's time you found out
a-8856 it's time we had a talk
b-0055 met
b-1410 met
b-2480 it's time we left
b-2503 it's time your mother and I had this out
b-5329 it's time I met