
単刀直入を英語でなんと言うか?tantou chokunyu

cut to the chaseで単刀直入に言うの意味です。come/get straight to the point(核心をついてくれ)でも同じ意味です。いいビデオが見つかりませんが、New in town(映画)の21:23にあるせりふです。why don't you cut to the chase? we don't give a good goose fart on a muggy day. what you're making us make.(用件があったら早く言ってくれ、こんなじめっとした日に能書きは結構。あんたらの指示があればそれに従うまでだ。)jump to the chase(5:18)も同じ意味です。23:57 you just cut right to the chase, don't you? せっかちな人ね。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVgtxsDlh8I 1:36 let's cut to the chase
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhYgf90PxVs 0:31 it's simply a way of cutting to the chase すぐ本題に入ろうとする風潮
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d7adQIVieQ 1:19 Roger doesn't take long to cut to the chase. ロジャーはすぐさま本題に入った
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjkqK5YUjos  0:06 True Blood...it keeps you alive but it will bore you to death. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? 本物の血はおまえを活かすが死ぬほど退屈させるぞ。さっさと本題に入ろうぜ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xx_5PuLIzc 3:48:57 let's cut to the chase, how much is this place going to cost?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=061jgl98xHE 0:49 we're going to cut right to the chase tonight. さっそく本題に入りましょう。

a-458 cut to the chase
a-700 got straight to the point
a-1512 cut to the chase
a-2553 cut right to the chase
a-3420 cut right to the chase
a-7636 cut right to the chase
a-8734 cut to the chase
a-9045 cut to four years later