

和議、compromise、などの単語が浮かびますが聖書からの引用でolive branchともいえます。使い方はextend/offer/hold out an olive branch(オリーブの枝を贈る=歩み寄りを見せる)となります。0:02 North Korea is extending an olive branch to South Korea saying it wants reconciliation and unity and calling for an end to hostile military acts. 北は南にもう戦いをやめて仲良くしようじゃないかと歩み寄った。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVOxggb3aE  1:57 extend the olive branch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfwULAUr1PI  0;16 from Speaker of the House, John Boehner to the newly re-elected President, an olive branch 上院のベイナー議長は再選を果たした大統領にエールを送った

a-972 extended an olive branch
a-4095 extend an olive branch
a-4393 extending a diplomatic olive branch
a-5356 offer an olive branch
a-5521 an unprecedented olive branch
a-9712 extending an olive branch
b-2719 an olive branch
b-3164 extended an olive branch
-4651 extend an olive branch