

get the taste of one's own medicine(自分の薬の味を味わう、しっぺ返しを食う)のように言います。3:36 I just want to give her the taste of her own medicine.(仕返しをしたいだけ)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4c-s7Qbg3s  1:42 the courts may see fit to give Beagley who's been dubbed the 'hot sauce mom' a taste of her own medicine. 裁判所はタバスコお母さんの異名を持つビーグリーが自分が子供にした仕打ちと同等の罰を与えるのが妥当との判決をだすだろう
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvfM5lxeW8Y 0:23 I hope he is prosecuted in the Libyan courts so he can have a taste of his own medicine and feel the same as the Libyans he has unjustly imprisoned. こいつはリビア国内で裁かれるべきだ、そしてこいつによって不当に投獄された同胞の苦しみを知るべきだ。
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/05/blog-post_14.html  1:17 give them a little taste of their own medicine. やられた人間の苦しみをやった人間に味合わせてあげたい
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj6cI1N6obQ 2:04 some say Mayer may be getting a dose of his own medicine. メイヤー君はしっぺ返しを食らっているだけと評する人もいる。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZKuvcwC6t8 1:32 giving Bella a little taste of her own medicine.

a-8183 gave him a dose of his own medicine
a-8803 give him a taste of his own medicine
b-0263 give him a taste of his own medicine
b-3786 give fox news a dose of its own medicine