

I've had it up to here.のように首のところをを手で切るような仕草をしながら話します。状況によっては「耳にたこが出来た」とも解釈できます。やや抑えた表現は(I've had) enough.(もういい)です。もっと強い表現となれば、enough is enough(もうやめろ,0:51)です。you are so full of it!(もううんざりだ)1;24 you can tell by the President's approval rating that people have had it up to here with this crowd. オバマがいかに国民から見放されているかは奴の支持率を見るとよくわかる。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul1xsDwNeuo&list=SL 4:27 exasperated. he's had enough. and heads straight for the door. leaving his beer behind.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul1xsDwNeuo&list=SL 7:41 ここでのhe's had enoughは堪忍袋の緒が切れたです。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HlbbK11b_w&feature=feedu 0:12
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnIat3lwozU 0:14 has had enough
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC_YcbuWttM 0:43 some Greek politicians are saying enough is enough. ギリシャの国会議員の中にはもううんざりしたと言い出すものもいる

a-9370 had it up to here 
b-0643 has had it up to here 仕草に注意
b-2964 I have had it up to here