

これもいろいろな動詞、言い方、表現が考えられます。お前をこき使うぞ!I am a slave-driver. かもしれないし、I will always keep you busy. I keep you busy working. かもしれません。make someone work hardでもいいし、work以外にもdrive, occupy, swamp, overwork, overload, pushなどの単語をおさえておきましょう。すべて、こき使える単語です。work one's fingers to the boneで死に物狂いで働くのいみですが、これをを土台にwork someone to the boneとすればこきつかうにピッタリのニュアンスになります。1:35 Like all the locals here I've had to sell my home. Too proud to leave. I've worked my fingers to the bone.

Billy Joel - The Downeaster 'Alexa' (Live at Yankee Stadium)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0vQoul4lpA 1:02 they're gonna work you to the bone. おまえ、こき使われるぞ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAWyQXFlcCg 2:30 work my fingers to my bone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Bd2-hkX1h8  32:08 for two weeks, you son has worked his fingers to the bone.
The English Teacher 2013

a-9364 work my fingers to the bone
a-9772 working to the bone. = work myself to the bone, work my fingers to the bone