

一髪はa hair's breadthです。危機から間一髪なので、a hair's breadth away from disasterです。これはa hair's breadth away from success/failureのようにも使われます。by a hair's breadth(間一髪で)

Briana Bonds literally came within a hair's breadth of dying one night after her tightly-woven weave somehow stopped a speeding bullet fired by her ex-boyfriend!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2k8eK6iOh0 0:20 Romney has won by a hair's breadth. ロムにー氏は僅差で勝利した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMX-PArnWio&list=PLCD01D4FBF6DA5C1F&index=35&feature=plpp_video 4:02 the new iPad leads by a hair. 僅差で勝っている

b-1283 a hair's breadth
b-1714 came within a hair's breadth of