
pony upとは?

この言葉最近良く見かけます。意味は支払うですが、義務的(公共的なもの)なものを支払うです。pony up for road repair, Millions of American pony up for the gas bill, mortgage or rent payment and real estate taxes...のように使われます。すぐに使えるので憶えましょう。and they will not tell us who's ponying up these cash.(2:24)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGAXWgjBr8U 0:55 not everyone will have to pony up cash to read the times online.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X6PFAyS-ms 1:52 those who want to play with the prince, they would have to pony up $50,000
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-W_ie8JrTA 0:21 if you pony up a fee. 払うものを払えば
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmlVacDzi9M 0:24 taxpayers ponied up 49.5 billion dollars to bail out GM when it teetered on (the brink of) collapse during the financial crisis. 経済危機の真っ只中GMが倒産の危機に瀕していたときに495億ドルもの税金が投入された。

a-3497 pony up for