
Who's on first. (who はここでは人の名前)


Currently in Toronto, we are enjoying a mid-winter thaw. Even though we know we still have at least six more weeks of winter to come, we appreciate the above freezing temperatures!

The mild weather reminds us that spring is on the way. And, with the coming of spring, baseball season arrives. Is baseball as popular in Japan as it is in Canada and the USA?

If you don’t know the game, here is a very brief introduction that will help with the video.
Baseball is a game that uses a bat and ball. There are three bases: first base (with a player called the first baseman) second base (second baseman) and third base (third baseman). There is also a pitcher and a catcher. One of the players is called the shortstop; another is the center fielder.

This video is one of the most famous comedy skits ever done. Even though it was done many years ago (1945), some people still consider it the funniest comedy routine ever!
It looks long, but it is really funny! Try it.
コメディーの最高傑作who's on firstを楽しんでください。(グロリア先生より)

• First Base: Who
• Second Base: What
• Third base: I Don't Know
• Left field: Why
• Center Field: Because
• Pitcher: Tomorrow
• Catcher: Today
• Shortstop: I Don't Care