
pound foolish とは?

Penny wise, pound foolish.(細かい金銭には聡いが、大きな金額になると疎い)this phrase is British in origin, but used in North America. Whenever you're trying to save money, but possibly ineffectively.........there's a grocery store across the street that sells oranges for $3.00 a dozen but the store across town sells the same oranges for $2.75. so, I get in my car and drive to buy the cheaper oranges.... burn gas, use my time.......to save 25 cents! (by Gloria Harman) 別の例で言えば、時給1000円で働く人が50円切手を一時間もかけて探し回ること。if you cut corners now you will likely end up paying much larger amount of money down the road 0:30 今ケチるとあとでとんでもない金額を支払うことになる
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Ho9wY0VWw 043 penny wise pound foolish